7. Key Features

7.1 Property Browsing and Information

Users can browse a wide selection of real estate properties listed on the FraXn platform. Each property listing provides comprehensive details, including:

  • Property facts

  • Features

  • Financial details

This transparency allows users to make informed investment decisions based on accurate and detailed property information.

7.2 On-Chain KYC Process

Before purchasing property-backed ERC20 tokens, users must complete an on-chain Know Your Customer (KYC) process. This is facilitated by Hypersign (https://www.hypersign.id), ensuring compliance with regulatory requirements and enhancing security.

7.3 Wallet Connectivity

Users can connect their crypto wallets to the FraXn platform to purchase security tokens. The platform also integrates with the Arcana network, allowing users to quickly generate a crypto wallet using just their email address. This flexibility simplifies the process of acquiring and managing tokens.

7.4 Cross-Chain Experience

To ensure a seamless cross-chain experience, FraXn plans to integrate Rubic’s bridge SDK. This integration allows users to convert their tokens across different networks directly on the FraXn webpage, without needing to navigate away. This feature enhances user convenience and broadens the usability of FraXn tokens across multiple blockchain networks.

7.5 Fiat On-Ramp

FraXn will partner with multiple global on-ramp providers to facilitate the purchase of tokens using fiat currency. This integration ensures that users can easily convert fiat to FraXn tokens, streamlining the entry process for new investors and expanding the platform's accessibility.

7.6 Crypto Payment

FraXn will collaborate with open-source protocols like Request Network to enable multi-chain transactions, recurring payments, escrow services, and payment streaming. Request Network supports multiple EVM chains, offering secure and reliable payment solutions. Their smart contracts are battle-tested and have maintained a strong security record since launch.

7.7 My Account Section

Each user will have access to a personalized account section within the FraXn dApp. Features of this section include:

  • A detailed breakdown of current holdings, including staked properties and owned tokens.

  • The ability to claim rental yields periodically.

  • An option to reinvest rental yields into new properties with a single click.

This section provides users with comprehensive tools to manage and optimise their real estate investments effectively.

Last updated